Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Change of date.

Please note the change of date for the next WIN session which will be February 25th with the Elevator Pitch workshop.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Survey on training options for the 'new' or 'unexpected' unemployed...

A WIN member is completing a thesis on training options for the 'new' or 'unexpected' unemployed. Have they kept pace with the new profile, are they relevant?....etc.

If you are currently unemployed, or have been in the recent past, she would be extremely grateful if you would fill out a survey (see link below) to assist her collect data.

It will take 5-10 mins to complete and is completely anonymous.

Also, please forward the link on to anyone you think is appropriate.


Thanks for your help with this.

I.P. and Taxation Seminar, Thursday 3rd March 2011, TTO at NUI Galway

I.P. and Taxation Seminar

Thursday 3rd March 2011

The REAP project in the TTO at NUI Galway, in association with KPMG, is hosting an information session covering the following:

- Intellectual Property Overview; patents, know-how; copyright and best practice in IP management.

- Tax issues relating to Intellectual Property

- General taxation discussion, the impact of the recent Finance Act and what this means for your business.

Presenters: Ann King, IP & Contracts Manager, TTO, NUI Galway
                 Mary McGinley, KPMG Galway

Where: Seminar Room, Science & Engineering Technology Building in NUI Galway

When: Thursday 3rd March 2011, 11am – 1.00pm (followed by light lunch)

Overview of Presenters
Ignite Technology Transfer Office
Ann King, IP & Contracts Manager at Ignite Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at NUI Galway will give an overview on Intellectual Property covering areas such as patents, know-how, copyright, design, best practice as well as NUI Galway IP policy. Practical case studies and examples will be shared to highlight some issues that may arise and possible resolutions available.

Mary McGinley is a member of the KPMG tax team in Galway. Mary will outline the taxation issues relating to Intellectual Property, together with general business taxation issues recently affected by the Budget 2011 such as income tax, PRSI and Universal Social Charge and answering general taxation and finance queries.

This seminar is open to both Industry and Academia.

To reserve your place, email niamh.corcoran@nuigalway.ie or call (091) 495677 by Wednesday 23rd February 2011

Places are limited so please book early – looking forward to seeing you all there.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Please see message from Paul Doyle, one of our WIN colleagues...

"I hope that I can find a number of professionals that are prepared to come together and work in a structured way to begin solving Ireland's many many problems.

A meeting will take place tomorrow Thursday 10th Feb at 19:30 at the Radisson, Galway city.

I would like to share a first draft of this strategy with anyone interested in adding to the plan.
Those coming along should email me at fixeire@gmail.com or go to the contact us page on the website www.FixEire.com to make sure I have enough places for everyone."

I hope you can support Paul and his project.
Best wishes,

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Elevator Pitch - February 18th

Due to popular demand I will run the Elevator Pitch  session on February, Friday 18th. This will be a chance for you to learn how to develop, perfect and practice your pitch in terms of selling yourself, your business idea, product or service.

I will also talk about the role of Communication and how we need to understand this when developing our personal elevator pitch.

Let me know if you want to take part: mcdonaghcaroline@gmail.com